Trout Hall
I live in Trout Hall with my roommate Grace. We both got our own rooms since our other roommate moved out. We both love that we both get our own personal space. However we both don't like living in trout. This building was made in 1956 and you can really tell. My wall in my room as you can see in the photo has a crack in it, the heaters don't work very well, there's no air conditioning, and just the air in here is so trapped and stuffy all the time. And let me talk about not having air conditioning. The first month was HORRIBLE. The first night I had a heat stroke and puked a lot, I could not sleep for about a week, and I had to take cold showers. I ended up sneaking in a portable air conditioner to help my asthma and heat strokes, which made me feel so much better. Another thing we don't like about it is that we are right by the train tracks. This is my roommates second year and she said her first year the train came at night and she never could sleep. However this year it comes around 3-6pm and it has been fine with me, besides being able to take naps, focus on my homework, or if I'm trying to talk to someone on the phone.
There are also positive things about living in trout though. The people that live here are amazing, they are so kind, sweet, and very helpful. The RA's create activities for us Trouties to do at least 2-3 times a month, which help us hang out with more people, get out of our dorms and socialize, and have fun! And overall it feels like a safe place to live since they have cameras and cards for us to get in the building.
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